Academic Results
Students appeared for the class XII Board Examination in March 2024. Rishikant S and Trisanth M R of commerce stream stood first with a score of 592/600 followed by Keerthana A of science stream stood second with a score of 586/600 and Varsha Sri P of commerce stream stood third with a score of 579/600.
Subject | No. Appeared | Average |
Tamil | 63 | 76.68 |
Sanskrit | 39 | 85.49 |
English | 102 | 77.54 |
Physics | 84 | 71.21 |
Chemistry | 84 | 80.59 |
Biology | 30 | 83.83 |
Computer Science | 54 | 91.41 |
Mathematics | 84 | 71.29 |
Economics | 18 | 87.94 |
Commerce | 18 | 93.72 |
Accountancy | 18 | 82.66 |
Business Mathematics | 18 | 83.43 |
In the class XI Board Exam, 129 students appeared and came out successful. Harini M of science stream stood first with a score of 589/600 followed by Deepika M of commerce stream scored 585/600 and stood second and Shwetha V of science stream stood third with a score of 584/600.
Subject | No. Appeared | Average |
Tamil | 78 | 66 |
Sanskrit | 49 | 77.45 |
English | 127 | 80.46 |
Physics | 93 | 76.65 |
Chemistry | 93 | 75 |
Mathematics | 93 | 67.4 |
Biology | 24 | 76 |
Computer Science | 69 | 92 |
Economics | 34 | 77.02 |
Commerce | 34 | 87.14 |
Accountancy | 34 | 86.85 |
Business Maths | 34 | 68.76 |
Class X
100 students for the class X Board examination in April 2024. D Kaviya sri stood first with a score of 494/500 followed by Yashini Shree M and Pragadeesh Muthu S stood second with a score of 490/500 and Arjun Nachiappan M stood third with a score of 487/500..
A birds view of a Subject average
Subject | No. Appeared | Average |
Tamil | 110 | 79 |
English | 110 | 87.18 |
Mathematics | 110 | 89.24 |
Science | 110 | 86.05 |
Social Science | 110 | 77.88 |
All these achievements make us proud and motivate us to work harder with confidence.
100 students appeared for the class XII Board examination in march 2023.N. Dharshini of XII A emerged as school topper with a stellar score of 596/600 in biology group. Nimmagadda Srilakshmi Yasaswini Devi of XII B secured 589/600 in the computer science and was placed second rank. M. Malavika in Commerce group secured the third place with a total of 590/600 .
A bird’s view of the Subject Averages.
Subject | No. Appeared | Average |
Tamil | 72 | 71 |
Sanskrit | 28 | 87.03 |
English | 100 | 82.76 |
Physics | 78 | 79 |
Chemistry | 78 | 84.28 |
Biology | 22 | 85.31 |
Computer Science | 56 | 91.61 |
Mathematics | 78 | 65.12 |
Economics | 22 | 92.77 |
Commerce | 22 | 94.5 |
Accountancy | 22 | 94.5 |
Business Mathematics | 22 | 86.5 |
102 students appeared for the class XI Board examination in March 2023. S.Rishikanth with the highest total 592 / 600 was the school topper. A.Keerthana secured the second rank with a score of 583 / 600. S. Krishna Prasad secured a total of 583 / 600.
Subject | No. Appeared | Average |
Tamil | 63 | 75.66 |
Sanskrit | 39 | 83.07 |
English | 102 | 78.85 |
Physics | 84 | 75.46 |
Chemistry | 84 | 75.80 |
Mathematics | 84 | 59.70 |
Biology | 30 | 69.4 |
Computer Science | 54 | 83.03 |
Economics | 18 | 74.38 |
Commerce | 18 | 82.44 |
Accountancy | 18 | 87.66 |
Buisness Maths | 18 | 73 |
Class X
100 students for the class X Board examination in April 2023. M. Priya secured the first position with a majestic total of 494/500 . M. Harini stood second by scoring 491/500 and M. Janani was placed third position with a score of 483/500 .
A birds view of a Subject average
Subject | No. Appeared | Average |
Tamil | 100 | 80.58 |
English | 100 | 88.07 |
Mathematics | 100 | 82.94 |
Science | 100 | 86.44 |
Social Science | 100 | 73.37 |
All these achievements make us proud and motivate us to work harder with confidence.
84 students appeared for the class XII Board Examination in March 2022. Arun A M of XII C secured the first position in the Commerce stream with a total of 592/600, Akshaya J of XII A scored 583 /600 and stood second in the Science stream and Smrithi K S of XII B scored 565/600 and stood third in the Science stream.
Pass Percentage – 100 %
A bird’s view of the Subject Averages.
Subject | No. Appeared | Average |
Tamil | 57 | 76.14 |
Sanskrit | 27 | 89.42 |
English | 84 | 82.83 |
Physics | 52 | 81.00 |
Chemistry | 52 | 86.40 |
Biology | 22 | 89.45 |
Computer Science | 30 | 94.70 |
Mathematics | 52 | 72.70 |
Economics | 32 | 89.0 |
Commerce | 32 | 92 |
Accountancy | 32 | 91 |
Business Mathematics | 32 | 85 |
In the class XI Board Exam, 98 students appeared and came out successful. N Dharshini of XI A stood first with a total of 593/ 600 followed by Nimmagadda Sri Lakshmi Yasaswini Devi of XI B and Dharshini S and Malavika M of XI C scored 589/600 and stood second.
Subject | No. Appeared | Average |
Tamil | 70 | 72.67 |
Sanskrit | 28 | 86.42 |
English | 98 | 85.05 |
Physics | 77 | 81.5 |
Chemistry | 77 | 72 |
Mathematics | 77 | 62 |
Biology | 21 | 80 |
Computer Science | 56 | 92 |
Economics | 21 | 89.8 |
Commerce | 21 | 93.52 |
Accountancy | 21 | 95 |
Business Maths | 21 | 76.23 |
Class X
82 students appeared for the Class X Board Examination. Keerthana A and Priyadharshini stood first with a total of 484/500 followed by Mridhula Shree M stood second with a score of 479/500 and Mridula S stood third with a score of 475/500.
Subject | No. Appeared | Average |
Tamil | 82 | 78.3 |
English | 82 | 89 |
Mathematics | 82 | 82 |
Science | 82 | 87.72 |
Social Science | 82 | 73 |
All these achievements make us proud and motivate us to work harder with confidence.
ENGLISH | 129 | 89.75 |
MATHEMATICS | 84 | 88.4 |
PHYSICS | 84 | 88.1 |
CHEMISTRY | 84 | 89.0 |
BIOLOGY | 38 | 89.0 |
TAMIL | 76 | 90.9 |
SANSKRIT | 53 | 90.6 |
ECONOMICS | 45 | 86.9 |
ACCOUNTANCY | 45 | 88.5 |
COMMERCE | 45 | 90.0 |
BUISNESSMATHS | 45 | 87.0 |
136 students appeared for the class XII Board Examination in March 2020. Nirupama K of XII D secured the first position in the Commerce stream with a total of 579/600, Sourav Kumar N R S of XII C scored 578 /600 and stood first in the Computer Science stream and Meenadshi M of XII A secured the first position in Biology with a total of 563/600.
Pass Percentage – 100 %
A bird’s view of the Subject Averages.
Subject | No. Appeared | Average |
Tamil | 68 | 81.38 |
Sanskrit | 68 | 85.58 |
English | 136 | 82.77 |
Physics | 92 | 70.43 |
Chemistry | 92 | 75.89 |
Biology | 42 | 72.80 |
Computer Science | 50 | 92.97 |
Mathematics | 92 | 68.94 |
Economics | 44 | 82.34 |
Commerce | 44 | 82.56 |
Accountancy | 44 | 83.15 |
Business Mathematics | 44 | 64.52 |
In the class XI Board Exam, 129 students appeared and came out successful. Beaula Mahima V of XI B stood first with a total of 588 / 600 followed by Mahesh Kumar D of XI A scoring 565 /600 and Indra K of XI C standing third with a total of 559 / 600.
Pass Percentage | 100 % |
No. Appeared | 129 |
No. of Centums in Computer Science | 3 |
No. of Centums in Commerce | 3 |
No. of Centums in Mathematics | 1 |
Class X
82 students appeared for the Class X Board Examination. Keerthiharan A of X-B stood first with a total of 488 / 500, Akshaya J of X-A with a total of 486/500 stood second and Rithvikha V of X-A scoring 477 / 500 was third among the students.
No. of centums in Mathematics: 1
Subject | 100 % |
Tamil | 76.48 |
English | 79.18 |
Mathematics | 76.94 |
Science | 78.41 |
Social Science | 67.00 |