D.A.V. Gill Nagar was started in the year 1999 with class XI, comprising of 105 students. Today it has grown to a large extent and we have classes from L.K.G to standard XII. Presently our total strength is 1297 students. Our family comprises of a dedicated team of 49 teaching staff, 3 non-teaching staff and 17 sub staff.

Our History

D.A.V. stands for DAYANANDA ANGLO VEDIC SCHOOL. The school follows the principles of the Arya Samaj that was founded by Shri Dayanand Saraswathy and adheres to the Vedic Dharma. The long term vision of the management is to build a better society by giving the best of education at a very reasonable cost and reaching out to the not so privileged class of the society. Respect for the teaching faculty, commitment towards building a rational thinking student community and above all working towards building a sense of pride in being an Indian are a few things that make what D.A.V. is today. Academics is approached with the sincerity and seriousness that it demands right from the kindergarten classes. The quality of teaching faculty is the strength of D.A.V. Group. In order to instil ethics and moral values in the students, Havans are performed in the school where students chant the mantras. It’s a proven fact that chanting of mantras stimulates the brain and the excellent performance of our students in academics stands testimony to it.


Empower learners to gain competency across the spiritual, intellectual and physical aspects of life by consistently delivering high quality, affordable and value-oriented education based on Vedic principles.


  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Dedication
  • Patriotism

Message from Secretary

Vikas Arya, C.A., MBA

At DAV Chennai, we aim to provide our children holistic education, focusing on the four Cs – Communication, Collaboration, Creativity and Critical thinking.

Known for our academic rigor, we are deeply conscious about ensuring that our children grow up as ardent patriots, develop a strong spiritual framework, are service-oriented thus developing a sense of compassion and learn to enjoy sports though all of them need not become great players.

We envision our children evolve into empowered individuals who can contribute to the world as leaders, overcome the challenges of life through spiritual strength and guide themselves, their families and societies to peace and happiness.

Message from Academic Director

Shanthy Asokan, M.Sc, B.Ed

Education is a mission to reset the standard of the society and at DAV we consider ourselves to be blessed as we deem it a chance to greatly impact a large number of young minds in the right direction.

We take pride in the ancient gurukul system आचार्य देवो भवः| and we are proud to have the best of teachers.

Students are taught that ‘Gyan Pravaha’ which means ‘sharing of knowledge’ is the key component to success as they learn best when they teach, and so commit socially to live what they teach.

My message to the student community is to dream big, bring your vision to fruition by executing it with passion, hard work and discipline so that you remain happy and contented forever.

Ramana Velavan V, M.Sc., M.Ed.,

From the Principal's Desk

D.A.V. Gill Nagar is one of the schools that is run by the Tamil Nadu Arya Samaj Educational Society. Our Mission is to impart value based quality education to the students and to mould them into socially responsible citizens of this great nation. While academic excellence is the goal, we strive to provide our students with a blend of opportunities that help them to acquire the skill set necessary for the 21st century. At the same time we nurture in each of them a sense of pride and joy about the culture and Vedic heritage of our country. The Management is ever supportive and provides the best infrastructural facilities at the school. The dedicated team of teachers who go beyond the call of duty is another asset. Their commitment is commendable.

Here at D.A.V. Gill Nagar, we ensure students imbibe the joy of learning because education can stop, but learning is life-long!!!


  • 15/02/25

    "Primary Sports Day was conducted in the primary school playground."

  • 13/02/25

    "The Children's programme, which has been recorded at AIR with our school children from classes UKG to XI, will be broadcast on 101.4 FM Rainbow on 15.02.2025 (Saturday) at 5:02 PM."

  • 06/02/25

    Students of classes VI to VIII were taken to a field trip to Mahabalipuram.

  • 05/02/25

    Students of classes IV & V were taken to a field trip to Vandaloor Zoo.

  • 01/02/25

    Sahitya Utsav- Inter DAV Lit Fest was conducted at the Primary wing.

  • 26/01/25

    76th Republic Day was celebrated in a grand manner at the main building auditorium. Colonel Priyamvada Mardikar, officer-in-charge, CSD cell, HQ Dhakshin Bharath Area was the chief guest.

  • 07/12/24

    Rani Lakshmi Bai Throwball Tournament for women and Deiva Pulavar Volleyball Tournament for men was conducted at the Primary Wing Playground.

  • 06/9/2024

    Our School 26th Annual Day was celebrated in a grand manner at Anna Centenary auditorium.

  • 22/8/2024

    A Seva Maithri activity was done, where students donated provisions and accessories to Guild of Service, Manasa, and Vasantham schools.

  • 20/8/2024

    Raksha Bandhan was celebrated on August 20, 2024 at the Primary Wing.

  • 18/8/2024

    Sangam festival was celebrated on 18th august 2024 at our Higher Secondary Block.

  • 15/8/2024

    Our school Independence Day was celebrated on 15th August at Higher Secondary Block. We were joined by our chief guest Subedar N. Murugan. 12 Madras Infantry Regiment

  • 10/8/2024

    Our school sports day was celebrated at 9.00 a.m. on Saturday, the 10th August 2024 at Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium, Raja Muthaiah Road, Kannapar Thidal, Periyamet, Chennai-600003.We were joined by our Chief Guest SAI AVANTHIKA REVANUR B.Com, MBA., National Tennis Player.

  • 31/7/2024

    Happy to share that Sanjhana from 2A has received her second world record recognised by the International Book of Records, for the fastest saying of 100 idioms in the Native English language.

  • 30/7/2024

    Advik Deepak from class 3B secured the 9th rank Internationally in the final stage of LogiQids Mental Aptitude Olympiad 2023-2024. He was awarded a certificate of appreciation.

  • 20/7/2024

    The Mann Mahotsav - Mind Carnival was organised for parents, grandparents and the students of class VI to XII in the primary wing by the Prashasti team. The inauguration was done by our Principal Shri Ramana Velavan and Headmistress Smt. Meenakshi at 12:00 noon.

  • 20/7/2024

    The First Aid Training Programme was conducted for teachers in our Prayer Hall at 3.30 p.m. Shri. Jayaram CLO from Head office is instrumental in organizing this programme as per directions of our Management. The session was conducted by a certified first aid trained Shri. R. Karal Marks, DTED., M.A., M.Ed., Assistant Manager- Public Affairs in ALERT NGO.

  • 15/7/2024

    Kamarajar's birthday was celebrated in both primary and higher secondary wings.

  • 10/7/2024

    The investiture ceremony along with the sengol ceremony was held with great pomp and enthusiasm on 10th July 2024 at our Prayer Hall - Hr. Sec. Wing. Our Convenor Smt. Poonam Anand was the Chief guest. On the same day, the inauguration of 'Vidya Saadhan', a D.A.V group of schools initiative to sell stationery items to students, was a resounding success. The event was graced by Smt. Poonam Anand, Convenor, who inaugurated the program alongside Principal Shri. Ramana Velavan and HM Smt. Meenakshi.

  • 6/7/2024

    Our school hosted the Laxmibai Throwball competition 2024-25 in its primary wing.

  • 7/7/2024

    Soorya Ranganathan of class 4A participated in the Radical Chess Academy ,State level chess tournament conducted by Masi Matriculation Hr Sec School,Chennai and has secured 4 points out of 6 points.

  • 6/7/2024

    Our school hosted the Laxmibai Throwball competition 2024-25 in its primary wing.

  • 2/7/2024

    Varsha Arambh - oath taking ceremony was held in our school. The students exhibited a great deal of determination in their participation. On the same day international music day was celebrated.

  • 25/6/2024

    An inaugural Havan was held on 25th June 2024 for XI and XII students at Hr. Sec. Wing, aiming to seek blessings for a successful academic year. Honorary Secy. Shri Vikas Arya addressed the event, promoting discipline, hard work, respect, and raising awareness about animal rights.

  • 22/6/2024

    M. Rugan Krishar, from class 3B, participated in Yogiraj Shri Krishna Inter D.A.V. competition. The 3rd edition of the Yoga competition was organized by D.A.V. Krida Kendram and the second position was awarded to the boys in the category (3 to 5) of the competition. A shield and a certificate were given to him.

  • 15/4/2024

    The world record of fastest recitation of 1 to 100 counting in 30 seconds 63 milliseconds was achieved by Chimala Sahasranjali of class VA.

  • 31/3/2024

    VARSHAANT PARVA was conducted in the prayer hall at Hr.Sec.Wing.

  • 27/3/2024

    Dr.B.B.Stella,HOD Tamil Department, WCC college ,Chennai was invited to showcase and improvise the language skills for the classes VI to VIII.

  • 21/3/2024

    "World Down Syndrome Day" was conducted at Primary Wing by our Inclusive Students.

  • 16/3/2024

    Tamil Department conducted Tamil Elocution for the classes VI to VIII for the Inter House Competition.

  • 15/3/2024

    Primary Sports day was conducted in the Primary Wing Playground. D.A.V. Alumna Smt.CA Manasa Meenakshi DVN, International Throw ball player was the chief guest.

  • 06/3/2024

    17 students of class VIII was taken to Goshala under the Seva Maitthri Activity

  • 23/2/2024

    Farewell Programme for class XII was conducted in the prayer hall.

  • 10/2/2024

    "Adhithvi- class 3 " received a record for reading the maximum no. of reversed English and Tamil words from "India Book of Records - 2023"

  • 09/2/2024

    Educational trip for the classes 6-8 to Mahabalipuram was organized

  • l
  • 03/2/2024

    Rangotsav 2023-2024 an Art competition which is a creative platform for all the Parents, Staff and Alumni of D.A.V.group was conducted at D.A.V.Boys Sr.Sec.School,Gopalapuram under the Theme "Nostalgia-The good old days". Jananya S of VI A got third prize in III category.

  • 31/1/2024

    The Kala Kendram association of our school organized a Culmination day for students in grades 1 to 5 who took part in the after school activities.

  • 27/1/2024

    Classes VI to VIII conducted "Science Exhibition" in the Hr. Sec. Wing.

  • 26/1/2024

    Republic Day celebration was held at the higher secondary wing of our school. Students took part in cultural activities.

  • 13/1/2024

    Pongal celebration was conducted in our school.Cultural events were held on the occasion of Pongal celebration. Swami Vivekananda's birthday was celebrated in our school.

  • 12/1/2024

    Class VII Students performed Mathru Pithru Vandhana to express gratitude to their parents.

  • 8/1/2024

    In the main school auditorium of our school, the inter-house science quiz was held.

  • 7/1/2024

    Over 100 people participated in a blood donation camp organized by our school in partnership with Rotary Central TTK VHS Blood bank. Secretary Shri.Vikas Arya ji, Principal Shri.Ramanavelavan ji inaugurated the event.

  • 6/1/2024 & 7/1/2024

    A weekend adventure camp at Defence Service Preparatory Academy in Kallakurichi, organized by D.A.V - AKT Institution, provided students with hands-on experience in the armed forces, aiding their selection for the 11th std.

  • 11/12/2023

    Under the guidance of the school's Tamil Forum, Makakvi Bharathiyar's birthday celebration took place.

  • 1/12/2023

    The preliminary round of the inter-school Thirukural competition was conducted.

  • 10/11/2023

    Pratidhvani 2023 - Inter DAV Music Competition was held at DAV MHSS Gill Nagar, CH-94. The Chief Guest was Smt Aarthi, Kala Kendram, Creative Arts Academy of DAV Group of schools, Chennai.

  • 28/10/2023

    Children were educated on the G20 through a program called the Youth Outreach Programme. Climate change and disaster risk reduction have been selected as the topic. The program featured a play called 'The Precious Thing' that was performed by classes 8,9,10. Class 10 had the opportunity to take three seminars.

  • 13/10/2023 - 15/10/2023

    H.Krithika of 9A and S.Harini of 8 A, Chennai District team received the Runner up trophy in the Sub Junior Throwball State championship 2023 held at Krishnagiri.

  • 30/09/2023

    The 365 days of Vidhya Saadhan was commemorated in our school prayer hall.

  • 22/09/2023 & 23/09/2023

    Deiva Pulavar Thiruvalluvar Volleyball Tournament and Inter-D.A.V. Staff Throwball Tournament were conducted.

  • 21/09/2023 & 24/09/2023

    Pune's Jnana Prabodhini conducted a science workshop for D.A.V. Group of schools. 6 students from our school, along with the teacher Smt. Geetha Prabuchander, took part in the workshop.

  • 09/09/2023

    Our school's 25th annual day was celebrated at Anna Centenary Auditorium in Kotturpuram. Dr.Goutham Krishnamurthy, a surgical Gastroenterologist who is an alumna of our school, was the chief guest. School Management members graced the occasion.

  • 06/09/2023

    An Art competition was organized by South Korea on July 21st last year. Nearly 70 participants from the UKG to the 7th took part, in which 22 of them were selected for an International exhibition. Two students were given an excellent award and two were given an encouragement winners award.(Hemasri B - 7th, Amritha - 6th)

  • 18/08/2023

    Sathvik A of 5B placed fourth and received a consolation prize in a drawing competition at Birla Planetarium. India's advancement in space technology was the subject discussed.

  • 17/08/2023

    As a part of the learning process, the Eng.Dept has arranged two guest lectures. Ms.Dhwani Dagliya and Mr.Kalpesh Dagliya gave lectures on the topic "The Art of Dreaming Big" to the students of class 6 to10.

  • 15/08/2023

    77th Independece Day was celebrated at the Primary playground. Shri.Yogesh Kalia,Convenor-DAV Gillnagar was the guest of honour and Shri.P.Chandramouli,Commandant,Indian Coast Guard-East was the chief guest.

  • 09/08/2023

    "Drug awareness programme" was held at DAV Gillnagar. Students of classes VI, VII, and VIII pledged to refrain from using drugs under the direction of the Inspector of Choolaimedu.

  • 06/08/2023

    DAV Alumni reunion - SANGAM 2023 was held at DAV Gillnagar for the former students of DAV. Smt.Vasantha Balasubramaniam , ex-Principal , Sri.Guhaprasath , Smt. Jayachitra , ex-teachers and Alumni students attended the event.

  • 02/08/2023 & 03/08/2023

    Annual athletic sports meet for DAV Gillnagar and Mogappair was held at Nehru stadium for classes 6-12. Dr. T. Maran, Indian badminton coach, and S.Sri Reshma, DAV Alumna were the guest of honor.

  • 17/07/2023

    Lokesh R -Class II awarded II place in Challengers Cup- National level open Karate Championship, Chennai.

  • 17/07/2023

    Sanjhana Palaniraj of class I A enters into the KALAM's world record books for reciting the alphabet in reverse order in 4 secs and 55 milli secs.

  • 15/07/2023

    Preliminary Sports day events for Gillnagar Parents was conducted

  • 15/07/2023

    Varsharambh 2023 was conducted for classes 9 & 10

  • 15/07/2023

    Kamarajar's birthday/ Educational Development Day was celebrated.

  • 8/07/2023

    Classes 3-8 students celebrated Plastic free week - initiative of DAV Kalakendram

  • 05/07/2023

    On 14/5/2023, a National level Silambam Competition was organized in Puducherry, B.Naresh , VII-B won the gold medal under the category 11-12 years.

  • 05/07/2023

    Varsharambh 2023 wasconducted for the classes 6 to 8.

  • 03/07/2023

    On May 2023, S. Linganath, VII-A, took part in Inter National karate Tournament in Malaysia and won the first prize in the category 11-12 years.

  • 01/07/2023

    In the ShriKrishna Inter DAV Yoga competition conducted today in DAV Girla Gopalapuram, students Samiksha shree A -III B, Jayarshana K A-IV B, Madhumitha B -V A,Gokulam E-IV B took part and won prizes.

  • 28/06/2023

    This year we started "Varsha Aarambh" a new idea to motivate the students to take Sankalp (resolution). A resolution that can help students to set their goals,work towards personal growth and improve their lives in meaningful ways.Students of classes I to XII had taken resolution such as studying more effectively,exercising regularly,eat healthier etc. Achieving resolutions can provide a sense of accomplishment and can boost the confidence and self esteem.

  • 28/06/2023

    Investiture ceremony was held. Shri.Yogesh Kalia Ji , convenor, DAV Gillnagar presided as the chief guest and invested the badges for the school student council and school prefects.

  • 21/06/2023

    International Yoga Day and International Music Day was celebrated.

  • 17/06/2023

    Festival of Expression was celebrated in a grand manner in both the campus.

  • 14/06/2023

    Special Havan was conducted on the reopening day for the Primary students and parents. An introductory speech was given by our Principal Sir and Headmistress Ma'am.

  • 14/06/2023

    School reopens for classes LKG TO V

  • 12/06/2023

    School reopens for classes VI TO XII

  • 08/06/2023

    PET and Science department conducted an orientation programme

  • 03/06/2023

    Tamil, Sanskrit and Music department organized an orientation programme

  • 02/06/2023

    English department organized an orientation programme

  • 01/06/2023

    Academic year started with special Havan and a staff meeting